Likinifika kubwa, nisilolitaraji Nijaze nguvu, nilistahimili Nipe nguvu upya, ili nilikubali Gumu kwangu, nyepesi kwako, barafu maji. (When great tragedy visits Give me strength to overcome Give me the serenity to accept As ice is to water, hard to me is easy to you.) It is not easy to bury a child. This wide-eyed, wondering angel that gives the mother and the father reason to be. Reason to wake up early, in hustle and bustle, turning a house into a home. And so, Ken was interred. Then, my little mind couldn’t comprehend as to where my dear playmate had gone to. The details were sketchy – someone had cut off his legs and he had died as a result. How mean, I thought, a great terror visiting me. Diabetes. I attribute this to my attachment avoidance, such a loss too great to relive. Elsewhere, a woman goes for a routine medical check-up. She is on her second pregnancy, first trimester. She was wedded a virgin, did a big church wedding to boot. Big, brown, beautiful. She ...