Let’s start with some
music first. Me playing my rendition of ‘Amazing Grace’ – that eternal melody.
Amazing Grace, how
sweet the sound
That saved a wretch, like me
I was once lost, but now I am found
was blind but now I see.
What do you think of
my rendition? Is it bad? Is it good? Is it average? Really, it does not matter
what you think – for we all have our prejudices, our biases; and art, as is
life, is subjective. What matters is that I’ve given myself permission to play
the tune, then went ahead and played it.
Perhaps, by now, you
could be building a million-dollar business, but you are waiting for external
validation. You are waiting for another person or other persons to give you the
go ahead. Know what my sister? Know what my brother? You are enough to give
yourself permission. In fact, you are more than enough. For you are fearfully
and wonderfully made. Yes, sister. Yes, brother. You are created in His
likeness. You are a majestic being. His Glory and His Grace is in you.
So, go ahead, give
yourself permission:
Permission to start
that business
Permission to apply for that job
permission to seek (find) love
Permission to forgive yourself
Permission to let go
Permission to stop drinking, or procrastinating, or (doing) whatever is
dragging you behind. Sister. Brother. Give yourself permission to be great. To
fly close to the sun. To swim in the deep. Yes. To be great, seek His Favour,
His Grace. And, give yourself permission to be. To do.
(Meanwhile, get my short stories collection
at: https://nuriakenya.com/product/a-funeral-dress-for-nyasuguta-by-mark-mwangi/)
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