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Random Pieces 2

 Random Pieces 2

I walk, I think, I dream
I want, I need, I miss
Love and butterflies
Glow, sheen, contentment
Talk of the mundane
Urgent whispers
The caress of the night
The breeze of my lover’s eyes
The graze of his scented-lemon lips
The promise of smiles and sunny skies
Of laughter and young ones
Of remembrances and reminisces
Of sons and those who dote on us
Of living in the present
Of judgement passed that’s yesterday
Of the drumming of morrow’s promises
Of higher possibilities.

I tell stories
Of yore
Of the present
Of days to come
I craft ogres and gods
I weave dwarfs and elves
Of a people once mighty
Of a culture once pervasive
The clouds, puffy, white
The sun, setting, lends it a hue
A trail of dragon fire – the gentle kind
The clouds – grey, angry
Lightning bolts – bursts
A dragon, enraged
The inner child imagines
Draws the world, marooned, blackened
Of another dimension; a multiverse
Of what is, of what is not, of what can be
A sigh of wonders for the ages.


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