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The Seven Deaths of Mr. Steven Akumu: The Fifth Death


‘Walegs’ – of the legs. Walegs, short for Walegwa. Walegs, a fine Taita babe, her legs, splendid. Walegwa had those tall, shapely legs that disappear into a delicate waist. Her skin, ripe mangoes. Dimples on her cheek, a twinkle in her eyes, she had once represented a rural university as their Miss Climate. Looking at her, you could tell that it was a matter of time before she was whisked away into a nice apartment and a nice car by a top political honcho. The short of it, she was the stuff of wet dreams.

Mr. Steven Akumu, always a man of ambition, of destiny. Mr. Steven Akumu, a learned, curious, travelled man. A man of opportunity. It was Mr. Steven Akumu who first introduced us to camel soup spiced with Ethiopian and Somali herbs and condiments before the copycats ruined this lucrative trade. There was ‘hush hush’ talk of him being involved in ‘magendo’ – smuggling – but which we dismissed as idle talk from small, jealous men.

Mr. Steven Akumu, he did his things in style. There on the road, some young lads and lasses on skates, giving out flyers announcing his new joint. Men, ever glad to have their domestic problems sorted out, flocked his joint. Camel soup (and the Ethiopian/Somali garnishes  and herbs in it), good for arthritis, diabetes and pressure. But it is not these ailments that necessarily had men fighting for spaces on the wooden joints. Mr. Steven Akumu, very strategic. At 4pm when the joint opened, his playlist boomed loud and proud, ‘Big Bamboo’, ‘The Needle’… other like-minded calypsos.

Mr. Steven Akumu, his was now become a local monopoly. The other two joints for soups, ‘mutura’, hooves, heads, tongues – cow and goat, they suffered. Business rivalry, we later concluded as the impetus of what happened to him and his business. But first, let us talk about Walegwa and how she features in this story.

One day, we found her, this lady who bathed in milk and lotioned on honey and lemon, we found her. Perhaps, Mr. Steven Akumu had put up a vacancy notice for his expanding business. Perhaps, she had come looking for a job and her freshness had caused him to reconsider his hiring policy… anyway, we found her at the joint. The regular waitresses, you could see how they gave her bad looks, for our tips – keep change, small and big – were directed at her.

A week later, Mr. Steven Akumu had the landlord knock down the wall of the next vacant room to expand his joint. Men’s eyes, refreshed at her sight. Home quarrelling, increased as men reported to their homes late and later. Jerusalema was come and we requested him to consider opening the joint on Sundays. He would give it a thought, said he, after we exasperated him with our botheration. Women to their ears, men and their eyes – that is how the good Lord created his world.

There was much talk on what to do. Beat him to death, jail him, have him vacate the neighbourhood. The talk was raged, hot, vindictive. This talk, done at either Kimondo’s  or Mutua’s joints. The two, once held sway before Mr. Steven Akumu’s monopoly. The former customers, a foolish grin as they trooped back to their old haunts – apologies and excuses… had been upcountry, Arab land, Somalia… as they sought acceptance and camaraderie.

Finally, Mr. Steven Akumu had relented and opened the joints on a Sunday, then the next Sunday… for two months. As you can tell, patronage in football dens and bars greatly reduced. Now, his joint had five rooms joined together. The landlord, mixed on his feelings. His fellow landlords, owned or had tenants doing the football dens and the sports bars. Again, Mr. Steven Akumu paid a pretty penny – in advance too – so, there was the great matter of capitalism for the landlord to consider.

Post-mortem later, we dissected that his case had been fixed. On that particular Sunday afternoon, officials from the Health Directorate raided the joint, fully patronised. Again, the gathered menfolk, a bit jaundiced. Walegwa, she was nowhere in sight and her phone was off. The raid enraged us that we nearly burned down the place, except that the OCS of the nearby police post and his men – teargas canisters at the ready – was present. There were a couple of news reporters too that validated our claim that, Mr. Steven Akumu, his was a fixing.

From out of one of the big sufurias that bubbled the wonder soup, a dog’s head had been fished out. ‘Awuoro!’ Abomination! The rumours, placed strategically, had that the soup might have been added other things to it, hence men’s addiction to it… Walegwa and her famous beauty momentarily forgotten in this dangerous talk. Perhaps, the landlord had tipped Mr. Steven Akumu to make a run for it, otherwise, that very afternoon, he would have had a sudden unplanned meeting with his maker.

We later attributed the dog’s head to the missing Walegwa, perhaps, planted there by a business rival to sabotage it from the inside. Everyone was now happy – landlords, bar owners, the two soup’s joint owners, wives, the plain ladies employed at the soup’s joints… someone reported that he had sighted Mr. Steven Akumu down in Malindi. In tow, a heavily expectant Walegwa. Of course, we out rightly dismissed this as fabrications of an idle mind. Jealous men, we were, perfect and taking comfort in our illusions and delusions.

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