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My-Once Molly (a bit silly me),


Hello Molly. Hope you are good. I am thinking of Valentine, of Men’s Conference… seems distant now, Christmas holidays. Anyway, this week, I had the flu… plenty medication, lots of sleep (daytime), restless sleep at night… FYI: I read somewhere that most people die at night between 3am-4am (the devil’s hour) when the body is at its weakest… suffice to say, I listened to AFCON through the night, plus some music, past this hour. Anyway, life is never that serious, so, here goes some light stuff:


Tomato Sauce

Childhood sunny, play rainy
A tight brother, poverty
Him - uncle to the family
Our meals souped and soggy.

Reserved for Christmas – Chapati
Like the Americans  - their Turkey
Chips, soda, chicken – paradise
Would our bellies then be at peace.

In our dreaming, a turn and a toss
Our imaginations at a loss
We then knew Money the Boss
When we dreamt of tomato sauce.

In my room alone, out of luck
Wife ran away, for I am out of work
Full circle, supper - soup and duck
Tomato sauce, plenty - a belly pluck.


A Little Storm I Pray

A little storm I pray, to be sent my way
To clean and freshen, unruly my day
Some sun later, to dance the folk fairy
The afternoon breeze, lows the cow dairy.

A little earthquake, I earnestly inquire
My life shaken a bit, this I require
Sharp again – my arrows, I quiver
Persistent in labour, much I learn from the beaver.

The campaign for the launch of my books, ‘#20BobSanaa’ is still woefully inadequate. The launch budget is Kshs 100,000. So far, Kshs 300 has been raised… I still believe in miracles. To angels out there, we can still make the launch happen end February 2024 via:

Buy Goods Till Number: 9080911, Gatere Mwangi
Send Money: 0708 276 622, Mark Gatere

Plus, my anthology, ‘A Funeral Dress for Nyasuguta’ is available at the Nuria Bookstore and you can get it via this link:


That’s all for now My Dearest Molly. Back to rest to fully recover from this bad flu and get back my full voice.

Best regards,
Sant Mark


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