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Tugege Politics: Erasing My People

Tugege Politics: Erasing My People

Kamau, my once loving brother
Kamau, he has become house Negro
I, field Negro, to him turned a Botha
Like Peter, his people, sees them a bother.

Kamau, my once confident brother
Irritates him, mine prosperity that glows
A seed planted, it’s nature is to grow
This new found hate of the self, nurtured.

Kamau, my once proud brother
Has been taught, his people to loathe
Vehement, it is so, you suspect some oath
Lies peddled daily, has become his tutor.

Only that, this hate in his heart, ain’t his
The Master’s venom, through him, the hiss
Blinded, Kamau can’s see, this to be a death kiss
They got a hold on him, permanent the lease.

Still, I understand him, lost as he is
Lies dash around the world, truth stills
History, that eternal teacher of old
Its lessons - poignant, solid, bold.

To conquer a man, alienate him from his culture
Rubbish his traditions, over him, you’ll have power
His blood-brother, you bribe into a collaborator
Deaf-blind, he can’t hear the lightning, see the thunder!

History, it says, to kill a nation, erase their names
Rabbi is Shylock, Nkurunziza – pesky the cockroach
Ahmed Terrorises, permit the drone to approach
It’s my turn now, Kagege - Tugege, now they maim.

Loud the ridicule, Kamau wa Mumbi, rootless
Now I deny my Creator - I’ve become less
Fatherless – a man is nothing, they say
I forget about Gikuyu, night is my day.

Emboldened, they revise, this my history
Alternative facts, the new, strange story
Kenyatta didn’t fight - for the nation’s freedom
Matiba he was missing; Second - the Liberation.

In future, they’ll say, Ngugi wrote terribly
Wangari, her trees – painted even less kindly
Kibaki – he ruined, such a great economy
I’ll stand with them, agree to all – foolishly, heartily!

Divide, rule – as all conquests happen
Martha versus Gachagua, quarrels laden
Mungiki – our youth baptised – the future weaken
Poison with drink – lose the entrepreneurial haven!

Yet, I am of the Mountain – high and proud
I am the Mountain – black and white – the camouflage
He has to strive and heave, to access what I hold – the adage
Yet, my choice is made – bounty for my people for all the ages!

Yet, I am of the valley, lowly and tranquil
Here I retreat, to hear the voice become still
Gikuyu my Father, Mumbi my Creator - I honour
Blessed land of meat, milk and honey – I, the owner!

Strengthened, I embrace all – I am Kagege
They think idiot, I pronounce strength, cunning
I embrace all – proud I am to be Kagege
My days bountiful - sunny is my new morning!

Shape-shifters we are – Proud Tugege
We won’t be ashamed of our choices – Proud Tugege
In this new name emboldened – Proud Tugege
We embrace, they now can’t erase – I am a Proud Kagege!


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